sábado, dezembro 01, 2001

Aqui vai uma breve descrição de como as músicas do Beatles foram aceitas na Inglaterra e nos EUA........já que essa semana morreu mais um beatle, George Harrison, hoje eu dedico parte da minha página em memória dele......até ontem (30/11) eu não sabia e o Zé me disse......aliás foi ele que me emprestou o cd 1 deles e é de lá que eu vou copiar as coisas (Zé, obrigadão!!!!! :) ).......enfim, eu também não sabia que ‘Something’ tinha sido escrita pelo Harrison.......e tantas outras músicas dos Beatles.......e com vocês:

The Beatles work was always impeccable. Those four young men, John, Paul, George and Ringo, broke so many records and so many barriers and they will be remembered for being the most significant music creators of the twentieth century.

This collection of number ones is taken from the most widely circulated charts in the UK (Record Retailer) and the USA (Billboard).

Looking through the list of songs brings back many memories for me. My first thought was about ‘Love Me Do’ – our first single. To begin with nobody wanted to know, even in our record company. But after a lot of hard work it entered the Top 20 in UK, and in the States it later reached number one. From then on John and Paul seemed to burst with inspiration. Those early songs were so fresh and sparkling, always surprising and delighting me with each new offering. Never did they fall back on a cliché or a rehash of an earlier success. Each one was a gem. Before long their work spurred George into write great material too, like the classic ballad ‘Something’.

It barely took eight years to cover this collection – ‘Love Me Do’ to ‘The Long And Winding Road’ – but it was a lifetime in the world of rock and roll. A wonderful collection, and wonderful for me to have been there.

George Martin

Eu ainda tenho mais coisas para colocar..........mas eu preciso copiar primeiro......sabe como eh, to meio com preguiça........nem estudar eu estudei........bom mas deixa eu postar isso porque ainda tenho q ver umas coisinhas no forum!

Have a Nice day!


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