terça-feira, abril 19, 2016

Tears through periscope

Imagine a place where everything is wrong. Where people have developed a hatred of each other for political views or different social classes. Imagine a place where prejudice has been established in such a maddening way and a simple fact of using clothes of one color or another can get you in trouble while walking down the street. Imagine a place where corrupt politicians make speech to remove other corrupt politicians from the government by manipulating the population to believe that corruption will come to an end by such means. Imagine a place where hatred reigns so much, that much of the population begins to believe that a dictatorship would be the best solution for all. Where young people support politicians who praise torturers. Where people say they are opposed to the lack of democracy, but don't know the representatives placed to represent them. This is now the country I live in. A country that has always been robbed by all their rulers, no matter what.

Today, after you played 'I am a Patriot' and 'Inside Job', tears came to my eyes. I was thinking, I've been in a few places in this world. But here is my home, because here I could see the smile on people's faces, even in all the difficulties. Home, because here is all I know. But today, I don't recognize it anymore. I just hope that one day, all of this just disappear, and everything gets back to what it was before.

Thanks again for making me remember that there is still hope in the hearts of those who dream.

(bad translation, i know, sorry for that ;) )

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